ProductPlus campaigns


ProductPlus promotions

With SBJ you discover the extensive possibilities of ProductPlus campaigns, where consumers are enticed to purchase by offering them a free product, digital discount coupon or voucher in return. Our advanced online platform allows you to effortlessly set up a ProductPlus campaign and closely monitor consumers’ search, click and purchasing behaviour via a live dashboard..

Effective and transparent

SBJ enables you to execute ProductPlus campaigns effectively. Whether it concerns stimulating sales of new products or increasing awareness of existing products, our sales promotions and joint promotions have proven their effectiveness. The concept of ‘getting something extra’ appeals to consumers and is a proven method to influence purchasing decisions.

Online platform and live dashboard

Our online platform provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes it easy to set up, customise and manage your ProductPlus campaign. The live dashboard provides real-time insight into consumer behaviour, including searches, clicks and final purchases. By analysing this data, you can make your campaigns smarter and more efficient.

Learn from consumer behaviour

Monitoring consumer behaviour is essential to the success of any campaign. Our platform enables you to gain in-depth insights into the purchasing behaviour of your target group. Understand what motivates consumers, which products are popular and how you can optimise your offers to meet your customers’ expectations.

Marketing Promotions
Perfect execution with campaign management and logistics

SBJ goes further than just the online aspect of ProductPlus campaigns. Our advanced campaign management system and extensive logistics services together ensure perfect execution. From setting up the campaign to shipping the free products, we take care of the entire process.

Discover how SBJ can support you in setting up and executing successful ProductPlus campaigns. Contact us today and develop effective sales promotions that entice your target group to take action.

Marketing promotions cases

Be inspired practical cases and discover how successful organisations with ambition achieve higher conversion rates and more consumer insights by implementing their marketing promotions in partnership with SBJ.