E-Fulfilment Plus


Comprehensive handling and additional services

Discover e-FulfilmentPlus, where we not only take care of the complete fulfilment of online store orders, but also offer additional services to optimise the customer experience. Read more about how we take your e-commerce process to the next level.

Return, Refund, Repair: complete returns handling

SBJ does not regard returns handling as a separate process, but as an integral part of our e-FulfilmentPlus service. We start where others stop. Read more about our approach and discover how we encourage customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.

Customer satisfaction as a priority

Solid returns processing with clear agreements, carried out with speed, is essential for customer satisfaction and increasing the percentage of repeat purchases SBJ fully facilitates this process, from receipt to analysis and any testing for errors.

Detailed checking and processing

As we work with well-known clients and successful online stores, resellers and consignment partners, we understand the needs of various companies when it comes to efficiently managing goods flows.

Sustainability and cost savings

We go beyond just refunds and reshipping. Afhankelijk van de uitkomst en specifieke leveringsvoorwaarden, storten wij het aankoopbedrag terug, versturen wij een nieuw product of zorgen wij voor reparatie. For some products we even arrange specific logistics to refurbishment parties, thereby contributing to a more sustainable distribution process and minimising the total costs of the returns process for manufacturers, middlemen and webshop owners.

Discover how SBJ’s e-FulfilmentPlus not only keeps consumers satisfied, but also contributes to more sustainable distribution and cost savings. Read more about our extensive services and start optimising your e-commerce process today.

Fulfilment cases

Be inspired by practical cases and discover how successful organisations with ambition achieve more by outsourcing fulfilment in whole or in part to SBJ.