Our logistics services regularly go a step further than just entry, storage and shipping. We call that Fulfilment Plus. A good and recent example is the replacement of the power drives in 22,000 LED fixtures from manufacturer KLiTE. A job with a lead time of three weeks, during which we had to replace several drives (depending on the type of fixture). Plus the pallet transport of the fixtures from the customer to our repair centre and back to the client. Plus receipt and return checks. Plus daily reports for each SKU. Plus the separate processing of multiple SKUs per batch. Plus the extra labels on a number of models. Want to know more about our Fulfilment Plus services?
Be inspired by practice and discover how successful organizations with ambition achieve more results by outsourcing fulfillment and marketing promotions in whole or in part to SBJ.
Flexineb Nederland, supplier of a special nebuliser for horses, has decided to entrust SBJ with its online store logistics and 1st -line customer service. Once again, e-fulfilment has a big plus and clearly goes further than just entry, storage, packaging and shipping.
Every year, more than 100,000 children go door to door to sell so-called kinderpostzegels (stamps sold to benefit children), special cards and other fun items. The proceeds from this stamp campaign go to children who need support due to loneliness, poverty or problems at home.
Service Bureau Jansen (SBJ) has been providing printing services to DAF Trucks N.V. for many years now (via a business partner). This concerns technical documentation that is delivered daily to several DAF departments for, among other things, the assembly of vehicles.
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